Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Looking For A Unique Christmas Present - Here It Is!!!

Just over a week to go before Christmas - are you still looking for a present to give a friend or relative that you can guarantee no-one else will give them?

If you, or people you know, live or holiday in areas where there is a chance that you could come into contact with a snake, the e-Book is the perfect gift to provide suggestions on how to reduce the chances of being bitten.

The book provides information on snakes, their actions when they come into contact with people and things that you can do to make your home, or holiday destination, less "snake friendly".

There is also Snake Bite First Aid instructions that come with the book - print these off and keep them in your car while you travel in the unlikely event that you, or someone you know, gets bitten, as these instructions contain the most up to date snake bite first aid techniques available.

Buying the book is easy - simply pay online and shortly after you will receive a link to download your copy as a PDF - that's it!!!

If you are buying the book as a gift, simply forward the download email to the person you are giving the gift to on Christmas Day with an e-Card!!!

Save it to your laptop, computer, e-reader, or anywhere else where you can read PDF documents and enjoy the contents.

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